“This object (1: A discovery of the Divinity in oneself; 2: discovery of the Divinity in the world behind the apparent denial; 3: a total discovery of the dynamism of some transcendent Eternal) of the integral Yoga must be accepted wholly by those who follow it, but the acceptance must not be in ignorance of the immense stumbling-blocks that lie in the way of the achievement; on the contrary we must be fully aware of the compelling cause of the refusal of so many other disciplines to regard even its possibility, much less its imperative character, as the true meaning of terrestrial existence.”
Sri Aurobindo
CWSA-23/The Synthesis of Yoga-p-170

Man’s attraction towards world strengthens the knowledge of the Becoming, this terrestrial existence; attraction towards heaven strengthens the knowledge of our Source, the Supracosmic origin; attraction of heaven on earth strengthens the knowledge of the intermediate Supra-terrestrial link of subtle, superconscient and Supramental plane and attraction towards His ecstatic oneness, order and harmony transforms Matter into image of the Spirit or material transfiguration, eliminating the permanent division between them, the Creation and the Creator.

It is true that the deficiencies of the above four institutions are to be rightly related with the total harmony of the Existence. In the past the above evolutionary synthesis had failed due to exaggeration and exclusive importance of either one or another school of thought and now a time has come in the recent development of integral Yoga, as another opportunity and trying ground of equal importance and regard for all the four schools of thought and their utmost Spiritual consummation. The secret truth behind the material existence of physical Science and truth of pure devotion of all Religious movements are to be reconciled with the Ascetic affirmation of a pure Spiritual impulse. The Ascetic or Sannyasin aspiration upward to unite with the Divine is to be rightly and sufficiently related with ancient Vedantic approach of descending movement of the Divine Shakti to embrace its manifestation. The ancient Vedantic quest to reconcile Matter and Spirit, One and Many in its comprehensiveness is to be sufficiently related with the Vedic representation of the Divine Mother, the daughter of the Sun, Savitri, who is concerned with the final aim of the Vedic discipline, Divine perfection of material life and physical Immortality of the mutable substance. Thus, earth life can be transformed into ecstatic playfield of her Divine children.

In Integral Spiritual Evolution, Supracosmic is accepted as source and support, the Supraterrestrial or other worldly for a condition and connecting link of bridging the gulf between Supracosmic Source and the nether material life and the cosmic and Terrestrial for its field and circumstance, and with human Body, Life and Mind for its nodus, turning point and dynamic mould into which Divine existence can be poured in for a higher and even highest perfection.


Integral Yoga begins by persistent rejection of falsehood and persistent opening towards inner and overhead Truth; continues with pure, untouched and virgin stuff of mind, life and body and further advances with accountability in Sadhana (askesis) by tracing and noting a path of own sadhana which is ‘not of a pilgrim following the highroad to his destination, but, to that extent at least, of a path finder hewing his way through a virgin forest.’ or ‘Much of it is virgin ground in which the paths have yet to be cut and built.’ (Refer: The Synthesis of Yoga-57, CWSA-35/529)