Sri Matriniketan Ashram
Devine ActionStudy of the Bhagavad Gita
Devine ActionAuroprem's Study
Devine ActionThe Root formula
Devine ActionThe MAIN formula
Devine ActionThe Integral Tantra Yoga
Devine ActionThe main frame of integral yoga
Devine Actionserving humanity
Sri Matriniketan Ashram Sri Aurobindo Centre
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         “But, fundamentally, all possible knowledge is knowledge within the power of humanity. And since in man there is inalienable impulse of Nature towards self-realisation, no struggle of the intellect to limit the action of our capacities within a determined area can ever prevail. When we have proved Matter and realised its secret capacities, the very knowledge which has found its convenience in that temporary limitation, must cry us, like the Vedic Restrainers, “Forth now and push forward also in other fields.”
Sri Aurobindo
The Life Divine-17
         “There can be for the seeker of the integral Yoga no clinging to resting-places on the road or to half-way houses; he cannot be satisfied till he has laid down all the great enduring bases of his perfection and broken out into its large and free infinities, and even there he has to be constantly filling himself with more experiences of the Infinite. His progress is an ascent from level to level and each new height brings in other vistas and revelations of the much that has still to be done, bhuri kartvam, (Rig Veda-1.10.2) till the divine Shakti has at last taken up all his endeavour and he has only to assent and participate gladly by a consenting oneness in her luminous workings.”
Sri Aurobindo/
CWSA/24/The Synthesis of Yoga-776
“Love, in its essence and in its origin, is like a white flame obliterating ALL resistances. You can have the experience yourself: whatever the difficulty in your being, whatever the weight of accumulated mistakes, the ignorance, incapacity, bad will, a single SECOND of this Love – pure, essential, supreme – melts everything in its almighty flame. One single moment and an entire past can vanish. One single TOUCH of That in its essence and the whole burden is consumed.”

The Mother
January 10, 1961

(We can relate the Mother’s above experience with some of following lines from Savitri:)
“Abolished were the scripts of destiny.”
“The soul is the watchful builder of its fate”
“But many-visaged is the cosmic Soul;
A touch1 can alter the fixed front of Fate.”
(1: of Divine Love)
“A flame that cancels death in mortal things.”
“A moment’s sweetness of the All-Beautiful
Cancelled the vanity of the cosmic whirl.”
“Fate’s driving ceased1 and Nature’s sleepless spur:”
(1: in Supramental)
“Let a great word be spoken from the heights
And one great act unlock the doors of Fate.”
“One shall descend and break the iron Law,
Change Nature’s doom by the lone spirit’s power.”
“Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will.”
“And make the soul the artist of its fate.”
“And woke in it1 the Force that alters Fate.”
(1: Savitri’s heart)
“The soul in man is greater than his fate:”
“You1 are my2 Force at work to uplift earth’s fate,”
(1: Savitri, 2: Lord’s)

         “Sri Aurobindo wrote somewhere, I do not remember in what connection, that in a certain state of consciousness one had the power to change the past. I found that very striking.”

The Mother
26th October 1966
The Mother’s Agenda/7/243

         “In one chapter of The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo says that there is a state of consciousness in which all is from all eternity –everything, without exception, that is to be manifested here…
          Q:-      In detail?
            In a certain state of consciousness (I no longer remember what he calls it—I think it’s in the ‘Yoga of Self-Perfection’), one is perfectly identified with the Supreme, not in his static but in his dynamic aspect, the state of becoming. In this state, everything is already there from all eternity, even though here it gives us the impression of a becoming. And Sri Aurobindo says that if you are capable of maintaining this state, then you know everything: all that has been, all that is and all that will be –in an absolutely simultaneous way.
          But you must have a firm head on your shoulders! Reading some of these chapters in ‘Self-Perfection,’ I thought it would be better if it didn’t fall into just anyone’s hands.

          Anyway, in this state the feeling of uncertainty completely disappears (he explains it very well).”

The Mother
The Mother’s Agenda-2/170

          “Meanwhile there are certain doors opening the inner on to the outer consciousness which make an occasional but insufficient power of direct retro-vision of the past, circumvision of the present, prevision of the future even in the physical mind at least potentially feasible.”

Sri Aurobindo
The Synthesis of Yoga-892

          “It is a door opened by chance or by an innate gift or by some kind of pressure between the waking and the subliminal mind and admitting only to the surface or the outskirts of the latter. All things in a certain power and action of the secret universal mind are represented by images—not only visual but, if one may use the phrase, auditory and other images, --and a certain development of the subtle or psychical senses makes it possible, --if there is no interference of the constructing mind and its imaginations, if, that is to say, artificial or falsifying mental images do not intervene, if the psychical sense is free, sincere and passive, -- to receive these representations or transcriptions with a perfect accuracy and not so much predict as see in its correct images the present beyond the range of the physical sense, the past and the future. The accuracy of this kind of seeing depends on its being confined to a statement of the thing seen and the attempt to infer, interpret or otherwise go beyond the visual knowledge may lead to much error unless there is at the same time a strong psychical intuition fine, subtle and pure or a high development of the luminous intuitive intelligence.”

Sri Aurobindo
The Synthesis of Yoga-894